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7 Ways New Parents Can Use Their Online Calendar After Giving Birth


Congratulations – you just had a baby! Welcome to the new parent club. You’re probably already excited about all of your baby’s “firsts.” You are undoubtedly looking forward to the first rollover, first steps and first words.

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At the same time, however, you are exhausted. Your baby eats like clockwork every few hours. They may not have a sleep schedule yet. Then there’s the random crying. It all adds up to very little shuteye for you and your partner.

It can all feel like a lot right now. Don’t worry though. You can get a new version of your old life back with a little work. It just takes some effort – and planning. Remembering things when you are tired can be difficult. This is where an online on your calendar can be very useful.

Keep reading to see how having a calendar in your pocket can help you bring order back to your world.

1. Dress up for the day

Whether you have a newborn or a 3-month-old, getting everyone ready for the day can be a daunting task. After a long night of rocking with a restless little one, you might prefer to stay in your pajamas. Some days you can, but most days you still have to get up. If you’d rather maximize every moment of cozy time, your online calendar can keep you on track.

Calculate exactly how much time you need to get yourself ready in the morning. Add now in time to dress your baby. Then add a little more – you never know when a diaper burst or unexpected spitting up will happen. Once you know how much time you need, set the daily calendar reminder. You will definitely get moving in time to avoid feeling jittery.

2. Be on time for appointments

Remember that lack of sleep mentioned earlier? It will surely make you forget more than a handful of things. That effect lasts as long as you are sleep deprived. That means you need regular reminders in your calendar and phone to make sure nothing falls between your ears.

Pediatrician appointments are vital during your baby’s first year. Rescheduling if you miss one can be difficult. So put all dates and times in your online agenda. Set notifications for the night before and the morning of the visit. This way you know how well your baby is growing and you make sure he gets all his vaccinations on time.

You probably also need reminders for yourself. It could be your own doctor’s appointments, lunch with a friend, or a meeting with your older child’s teacher. Whatever it is, you don’t want to miss it. Use your online calendar to schedule all your activities – and don’t forget those reminder alerts!

3. Create signals for workouts

When it comes to new parenting, exercise and maintaining a healthy weight is important for everyone. You are already eating if you can. If you add in the lack of sleep and low energy, it is easy to gain a few pounds. You’ll want to keep up with that baby bundle of yours once they’re mobile, right?

Finding the time to get moving can be difficult if you probably prefer to take a nap. However, do your best to set yourself up for success. Your online agenda is a useful tool for this. Go ahead and block some workout time in your calendar and set it to repeat daily.

Maybe it’s a morning walk pushing the stroller or watching an aerobics video. You can even find floor exercises that can include your little one. The trick is to pick something you can stick to and assign that time slot.

Whether you’re a stay at home mom, a mom on leave after a birth or adoption, or a dad with a newborn – a regular workout program doesn’t just keep you in shape. Keeping a daily exercise schedule is the key to good mental health, so don’t forget this important aspect of living and interacting with your new little one.

4. Self-care

When you’re new to parenting, juggling everything you need to do with and for your baby can be overwhelming. There’s so much more to think about now. Check the temperature of the bath water. Grab the diaper bag before you leave. Make sure the car seat is securely fastened.

Don’t worry if you feel exhausted – it’s normal! It also means you have to find time for some self care. After a few weeks, your baby will settle into a sleep schedule. It’s tempting to do the same throughout their slumber. Instead, use your online calendar to encourage you to do something for yourself.

You don’t have to be the same every day. Take time for meditation or yoga in your living room two days a week. Set a reminder for a relaxing aromatherapy bath on another day. Whatever you do, put some details on your calendar so that you have specific plans for your daily self-indulgence.

5. Getting ready for bed

At the end of a long day of playing and exploring, your baby will be tired. However, they don’t always do a good job of letting you know they’re tucked away. If you’re in the middle of a giggling game of “This Little Piggy,” you might forget it too. To prevent your baby from becoming overtired (and cranky!), you can set a calendar reminder to start the nighttime routine.

After a while, the evening calendar notification will even help your baby understand that sleep time is coming. If you can, use the melody of their favorite song as a warning. This way you start the bed-bath story routine at the same time every night. Before you know it, your little one will be falling asleep at the end of their favorite bedtime book.

6. Keep Your Own Routine

Your baby isn’t the only one who benefits from a nighttime routine. Yours may look a little different. Once your munchkin is napping in the crib, don’t just collapse on the couch. Take the time to focus on the little things around the house.

Use your online calendar alarm as a garbage night alert. That way you don’t miss picking up at the curb. Is the 15e of the month coming up? Set a reminder to pay the bills. Then set, yes, an alert telling you to go to bed. It’s way too easy to get sucked into a TV show and put off sleep. Don’t – remember, you need as many zzz’s as you can get!

7. Capture those baby milestones

While using your online calendar to keep track of bath times and stories, don’t forget to register all those “firsts” Previously mentioned. Don’t count on your tired brain to timestamp everything. If you want more than a fleeting reminder of those shaky first steps, write it down on the calendar.

Including the first giggle or creep in the calendar can also provide another benefit. When you sign up, you can more easily hold the visual memory. In addition, one day your child will ask when he first said “mom” or used a spoon. That’s in years. Let the online calendar hold those details. Then all you need is a quick quest to boost your brain.

Being a new parent can be an incredibly exciting, fun and entertaining time. It is also filled with significant fatigue and memory loss. Don’t worry about it though. This is a short phase of life that goes by faster than you think.

Still, you may need help keeping track of your appointments and remembering the important things. Or maybe you just need a friendly reminder about some daily tasks. Whatever it is, your online calendar can give you the push you need to keep track of everything.

Featured Image Credits: Photo by Pixabay; Pexels; Thank you!

The mail 7 Ways New Parents Can Use Their Online Calendar After Giving Birth appeared first on Calendar.

Shreya Christina
Shreya has been with for 3 years, writing copy for client websites, blog posts, EDMs and other mediums to engage readers and encourage action. By collaborating with clients, our SEO manager and the wider team, Shreya seeks to understand an audience before creating memorable, persuasive copy.

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